A woman is seeking justice after a man who inherited her following her husband's death allegedly assaulted her using a machete.

Beatrice Akinyi, 35, is nursing serious injuries at a hospital in Migori following the alleged attack.

Ms Akinyi told The Standard that on February 5, Nickson Ochieng came home drunk and caused a disturbance over money he said was missing.

Husband's land

He then attacked her, inflicting numerous wounds all over her body before fleeing.

Akinyi said she suspected Ochieng, who inherited her one year ago, was angry because she had refused to give in to his demands to use money she had received from selling tobacco that she had cultivated.

"I sold my tobacco a few weeks ago and made Sh30,000. He demanded Sh10,000 but I refused because the proceeds came from my late husband's land," she said.

Suna South chief Silvanus Gibore confirmed the incident and told The Standard his team was looking for the suspect.