ODM Secretary General Anyang' Nyong'o.

Renewed calls for the Orange Democratic Movement (ODM) to hold fresh elections after the February botched poll drew opposition from some members who claimed the exercise could further divide the party.

The MPs cautioned the Orange party, which is under a caretaker team since the bungled February 28 national polls, against holding elections, claiming the exercise would weaken the party.

ODM MPs Omondi Anyanga (Nyatike), Fred Outa (Nyando) and Nicholas Gumbo (Rarieda) said there were no plans for fresh elections.

But Kisumu West MP Shakeel Shabbir said the party must conduct elections to create the momentum for the referendum quest.

Anyanga said the party should retain the current leadership until CORD leader Raila Odinga is elected president.

He said ODM Secretary General Anyang' Nyong'o had proved himself as an able leader who cannot be compromised by party opponents.

"If the party election is allowed, then we will have a divided party and this is not good for us because our eyes are fixed on next General Election. We cannot afford to go into an election as a divided house," said Anyanga.

He said ODM opponents might seize the opportunity to wreck the party from within.

Anyanga said the issues being raised to discredit Nyong'o over flawed party primaries in the run-up to last year's General Election were not his mistakes.

"Every political party had issues with primaries. Let the party own the mistakes that happened in 2013 and retain Nyong'o as the party Secretary General until we go to the elections," said Anyanga.

Outa said there would be no party elections, as that would bring fresh rifts in the Orange party.

He claimed the Jubilee alliance might infiltrate the party and create chaos during elections.

The Nyando legislator added that currently, party leaders were pre-occupied with the Okoa Kenya movement ahead of the referendum and therefore party elections would create confusion.

"In some instances, democracy can always be guided for solutions to be found," said Outa.

But Gumbo said he was not aware party elections are coming any time soon, noting that no party organ had discussed the issue.

"As far as I know, the primary pre-occupation of the party and that of the CORD coalition is presently the national referendum. I don't see how the two would run concurrently," said Gumbo.

Shabbir differed with his colleagues, saying ODM elections were necessary and the party must go through them if it is to lead the referendum quest.

"We are heading to the referendum and we must first hold our party elections democratically if we are to appeal to Kenyans," said Shabbir.