By Lucas Ng’asike

Turkana, Kenya: Over 300,000 pastoralists have been hit by drought in Turkana County. And more than 30,000 pastoralists have crossed into northern Uganda in search of pasture and water following a dry spell in the past few months.

A report released by the National Drought Management Authority (NDMA) indicates the drought situation in Turkana County has reached a critical stage.

The NDMA report says that the health condition of the livestock has deteriorated, several water sources have dried up and severe cases of malnutrition have increased in the county.

Turkana County NDMA Co-ordinator Julius Taigong confirmed that dozens of animals have died in the region due to diminishing pastures and drying up of water sources.

“Drought in the region has reached an alarming stage. We require urgent intervention from the county government to start an emergency relief response programme before the situation gets out of hand,” said Taigong.

Turkana County Executive in charge of Disaster Management, Charles Ewoi Lokiyo, added that the recent locust invasion depleted pastures in the region, lowering the chances of livestock survival.

Lokiyoto said the drying up of some water holes has caused many people to trek for more than 20km in search of water. He said the county government had begun a food aid intervention in the areas hardest hit by the drought.

The worst hit areas include Turkana North, East, South, Loima, West and Central.