KENYA: There was drama recently in Mulot Sunset after a man claiming to be a bishop was nabbed red handed ‘praying’ for another man’s wife.

The bishop is said to have been holding Kesha (overnight) prayers for women having marital challenges from 10pm till dawn.


On this particular day, the bishop, popularly referred to as Joash, had a prayer session with a woman whose husband is said to be working in Mara.

The woman is, however, reported to have been frequenting the pastor’s place.

Unfortunately for the two, her husband arrived home that evening and was shocked to hear that his wife had gone for prayers.

He woke up at five in the morning and went straight to seek assistance from the police stationed at Mulot Administration Police post.

The town chairman Francis Laboso was asked to accompany the police who raided the pastor’s house.

Unfortunately for them, word had reached the two lovebirds that the husband had initiated a plan to nab them in the act.

The woman slipped through the back door and disappeared into the thin air.

Angry members of the public, mostly men, bayed for the bishop’s blood saying he has been wrecking their families with his prophesies.

Luckily for him, he was whisked away to police custody where more drama unfolded.

Many men turned up accusing the man of sleeping with their wives.


Neighbours also came forth and accused the bishop of engaging in ‘queer prayers’.

“We demand that this man leaves this centre because our wives no longer sleep at home. They talk of unending keshas,” said an agitated man.

But according to senior sergeant, David Rotich, in charge of the Administration Police post, there were no grounds to charge the man of God since the two were never found together.

“However, from the number of men who have come forth, it seems there is more than meets the eye,” said the officer.

By late evening when it became clear that the police could not do much, several women turned up in solidarity with their pastor. They said the bishop had been so ‘helpful’ to them and would not accept his name and, by extension, the name of God to be tainted.

They launched into serious praise and worship when the man of cloth was released.


But the town committee directed that the bishop leave the centre immediately to save himself from the wrath of the angry men.

“This man should leave this centre and take his mission to another centre. His safety is no longer guaranteed,” said an elder who identified himself as Marindany.