A married primarry school female teacher from Migori County recently had an unhappy ending when her secret facebook lover — masquerading as Mozilla Firefox, she had been fooling with online coned her on their maiden meeting in Nakuru town.

 After regaling her with honey-coated sweet nothings on the social network, she obliged to his invitation in Nakuru, where she met her waterloo.  The amorous teacher, eager to meet her mpango wa kando (secret lover), lied to her husband that she had been invited to Nakuru for a two-day seminar by a womens’ group she subscribes.


 At around 10 am, she took a shuttle, and after five hours she got to Nakuru where Firefox warmly received her.

 After exchanging a few pleasantries, Mozilla took her in a hotel where he treated her as they reacquainted with one another — all giggly. To avoid blowing up his cover, he tricked her by requesting her to book the hotel room — using her identity number, because if he was to do so, there was a probability of the receptionist knowing him since he is from around. The night went on well, but come morning is when things went haywire. Firefox woke up and took a shower and when it was the teacher’s turn, he thoroughly ransacks her handbag. He took Sh10,000 and her mobile phone. 


When the teacher came out from the bathroom he found his ‘lover’ missing. The panicking teacher hurriedly dressed and made a beeline for the reception to enquire if they had seen his companion. The receptionist told her that she had seen him a few minutes a while and he only mentioned, in passing, that he is stepping out to sun himself.

 Immediately, she began wailing at the reception, claiming to have been conned. Upon management attempting to intervene, they learnt that she didn’t know the man. That he was a mere Facebook friend, really shocked the hotel management. The mere mention of his name — Mozilla Firefox, got the management in stitches. To make matters worse, he had no other incriminating evidence against Firefox save for his phone number which was in the phone he had made away with, anyway.  Fearing that the story may spread and reach many people, the teacher ignored advice to report the incident to Police.  Instead, she chose to call her three friends back in Migori town and lied to them about her ordeal — that she had been a victim of a smooth pickpocket in the matatu she was travelling in.

Out of sympathy, her friends send her Sh1,500 which she used as bus fare back home. The truth of the story came out recently when the Teacher, while drunk in a pub in Migori town, revealed to friends what exactly happened to her who promised to try help her track the thief. Unfortunately, all the efforts were in vain since the phone was switched off. A friend whom the teacher told her hubby wasn;t satisfying thus tempting her to try her luck elsewhere, and requested her not to tell anyone this tale, talked to this writer.