By Fredrick Obura

Lack of internal measures preventing cyber-related crimes is to blame for the growing number of organisations that are losing confidential data.

According to Issolution Associates, a local Internet security solutions provider, 80 per cent of information lost in the first quarter of 2011 have been internally — rather than externally — driven.

"We are witnessing a new wave of cyber threats coming from inside network. Continued use of portable gadgets like flash disks, mobile phones, and social networks in offices is driving up attacks," said Joe Mwangi, a security specialist at ISOLS.

He cited advancement in technology, ignorance and lack of research as the drivers of cyberspace insecurity, which is costing entities millions of shillings.

"We are asking businesses dealing with sensitive clients information like the banks, and insurance companies among others to be more vigilant as Kenya is now more prone to cyber crime than before."

The arrival of high speed internet connectivity last year through undersea fibre optic links came as industry analysts questioned the security preparedness of Kenyan companies, financial institutions, mobile service providers, which became prime targets for hackers.