Tourism Cabinet Secretary Phyllis Kandie

The Tourism Ministry has not been affected by the cash crisis that has seen the Government delay disbursement of money to key institutions in the last three months.

Speaking at a function to welcome the resumption of direct passenger flights to Kenya by German airline Lufthansa Monday, Tourism Cabinet Secretary Phyllis Kandie said the tourism revival plan is on course and has not been disrupted by any cash problems.

Mrs Kandie said she sees the sector attracting an additional Sh5.2 billion from the private sector and international partners to match a similar amount provided by the Government in this year’s Budget.

“Our marketing efforts have not stopped at all. We completed a road show in the US, and we are now heading to London. We have received a lot of support from the private sector,” she said.

However, she did not respond to a question on whether her ministry had received any of the Sh5.2 billion pledged by the Government to revive the sector that has been hurt by a wave of insecurity. Players in the sector had feared any fresh shocks, especially on the marketing front, would hurt recovery plans.

Kandie said the sector is looking up, with the coming of the Pope to Kenya in the next two weeks, as well as the planned World Trade Organisation meeting set for December, expected to boost the country’s image. The return of Lufthansa after an 18-year absence is also expected to boost inflows of tourists from Europe.