NAIROBI: The Institute of Human Resource Management (IHRM) will start registering afresh all professionals as part of a process to get rid of quacks.

Further, all human resource experts found to have contravened the new code of conduct will have their names deleted from the register and their certificates withdrawn.

IHRM Council Chairman Paul Kasimu stated that the new measures are part of professionalising the human resource industry and protecting it from errant officers.

He said this while unveiling new rules that will change how the HR industry operates in Kenya at a Nairobi hotel yesterday. On January 4, 2013, the Human Resource Management Professionals Act, No. 52 of 2012 was enacted.


The new law has four pillars – registration of members, certifications, continued professional development and code of conduct. The Act, he said, provides a legal framework for the training and regulation of activities of human resource professionals.

"This is in response to inadequacy of enforcement provisions in respect of human resource management standards," said Mr Kasimu.

IHRM, he said, is established as the overall organ of the human resources management professionals. The institution, he added, will regulate the practice and conduct of human resource professionals and promote and maintain high standards.

"It provides for setting up of an examinations board. It also provides for registration of human resources management professionals and disciplinary conduct of human resource professionals. This is intended to improve the quality of service rendered and protect citizens from unqualified people masquerading as human resource practitioners," Kasimu added.