NAIROBI, KENYA: A Nairobi court has jailed a university student accused of using his Facebook account to publish hate messages against President Uhuru Kenyatta.

The student was found guilty of using social media to send hate messages against the President and was sentenced to two years imprisonment.

Alan Wadi Okengo alias lieutenant Wadi appeared before Milimani Resident Magistrate Ann Kaguru to answer two counts of hate speech and undermining authority of public office.

He was accused that on December 18, last year at a unknown place within the country, he posted on his Facebook page a message which read: “For the security to be tight Kikuyus from other regions need to be deported to central region! For Kenyans to enjoy their freedom, Kikuyus must be deported to their central region”.

In the second charge, Okengo was accused that on December 19, last year at an unknown place, without lawful excuse published hate speech on his Facebook account.

The words read, “The way that silly Bill proposed by silly “president” was passed by silly Jubilee skunks and assented by the same silly “president” was wanting!

The message continued that “The speed and temerity of the process shows the bang “president” is desperate to dictate and throw away our democratic space! If Judiciary won’t help, the streets will salvage Kenya! “If Opposition won’t lead us to the streets, then they might be too “orgasming” with “despotic” leadership!

He pleaded guilty to the charges. Magistrate Kaguru ordered Okengo to pay a fine of Sh200,000 for the first count or serve one year in jail and for the second count he was sentenced to one year jail term without a fine.

She said in her ruling that she considered the accused’s mitigation and the application by the prosecution.