Western Province leaders have asked Eldoret North MP William Ruto to stop attacking them.

MPs David Were (Mumias) and Justus Kizito (Shinyalu) said leaders from the region were united. They told Mr Ruto to keep off their affairs.

"We have Musalia Mudavadi the same way Rift Valley has Ruto. Nobody from Western has attacked Ruto," said Mr Kizito.

He said ODM would get new party officials in Rift Valley and told Ruto and his team to relinquish their positions during the party elections.

Mr Musalia and Planning Minister Wycliffe Oparanya said they would not campaign for any interested candidates.

"I have no business campaigning for a candidate even if he or she is my relative," said Mudavadi.

At the same time, Mr Oparanya told Saboti MP Eugene Wamalwa to lead his supporters to ODM.

Mudavadi was speaking at Kakamega Social Hall during a meeting with party leaders.