By Athman Amran

The acting Chief Kadhi Sheikh Ahmed Muhdhar has called for unity as Muslims prepare to usher in Ramadhan either on Wednesday or Thursday.

In the past some faithful have started fasting before the official announcement by the Chief Kadhi.

Muhdhar said although it was acceptable that Muslims begin fasting if the moon is sighted, in other countries such as Saudi Arabia or Egypt it would be good to stick to the tradition of Prophet Muhammad.

He said Muslims in East African have traditionally begun fasting and celebrating Eid-Ul-Fitr together.

He at the same time called on faithful to call their local kadhis or Supreme Council of Kenya Muslims if they sight the moon on Tuesday.

Ramadhan is the holiest month in the Islamic calendar and fasting is one of the five pillars of Islam.

While fasting Muslims refrain from eating, drinking and sex from dawn until sunset.