A police officer at the scene where businessman Hashim Okash was killed on February 1, 2023. [Ibrahim Ali, Standard]

Police in Mandera County have arrested a man following the killing of a businessman in Mandera town.

Hajiyow Maalim Nur was arrested on suspicion of the murder of Hashim Okash Mohamed who was stabbed to death in Mandera town on February 1, 2023.

According to the Directorate of Criminal Investigations (DCI), another suspect, Ahmed Maalim Abdinur, is still at large.

Mandera DCI boss Gitari Muchira said that they are in hot pursuit of Abdinur and other suspects behind the murder.

"We have apprehended one suspect by the name Hajiyow Maalim Nur as we search for Ahmed Maalim Abdinur who is at large," said Muchira. Abdinur is a close relative of Hajiyow Maalim Nur.

Muchira said that Abdimalik Okash Mohamed, a brother to the deceased, was also injured in the incident and is currently undergoing treatment in a Nairobi hospital.

Abdinur is suspected to have crossed over to Somalia on the evening of February 1, 2023, after the death of the businessman.

The police say that they are liaising with authorities in Somalia to have him arrested and extradited.

"The miscellaneous file that had been opened in a Mandera court will be closed on Monday and the suspect in custody will be arraigned in a Garissa court," said Muchira.

Mandera Police Station. [Ibrahim Ali, Standard]

Police, however, say that they do not have adequate evidence to arrest two women in connection with the murder.

The DCI boss urged anyone who has information that may help with investigations on the murder to volunteer it to the police.

He appealed to the community to remain calm assuring them that everyone involved in the killing will be apprehended and charged.

"The family of the deceased are agitated, angry youths have caused commotion within the town and a lot of property destroyed but they should remain calm and allow us to investigate the matter conclusively," lamented Muchira.

In another incident, a senior chief is in police custody following the killing of a civilian in Malkamari location, Banisa constituency.

According to police, Farah Nur Haji and three other men were arrested over the killing of Mohamed Nur Maalim Adan.

As per the reports of the DCI boss, two people were injured in the same incident that happened on February 5, 2023.

Reports indicate that the deceased, Mohamed Nur Maalim Adan, died in the hands of National Police Reservists attached to the office of the chief.