Author and blogger Heather Chesiyna. [File, Standard]

There is something special about America that can be hard to understand unless you've been here. I was born in Kenya and won a green card at 19.

Now, because I've lived in America for a long time, I see America through the lens of both a native Kenyan and an immigrant. In many ways, I see this country as my home; but in other ways, it will always be a foreign place to me. Through my experiences, I've come to understand what it means to be American - even if I don't always fit perfectly into that mold.

The allure of America

America has always been viewed as the "land of opportunity," and many people around the world are drawn to its wide range of freedoms, economic stability, and cultural diversity. Those who travel to this country, whether as permanent residents or tourists, appreciate its progressive laws, openness to different lifestyles and ideals, and adherence to core values like human rights. America is also a melting pot of different cultures from all corners of the globe, and travelers enjoy discovering new foods, music, customs, and languages they may not have encountered back home. Ultimately the country's inclusivity is one of its strongest draws - it is a place where everyone has the potential for upward socioeconomic mobility regardless of their race or culture.

The real challenges for diaspora Kenyans

Diaspora Kenyans have long been caught between the idea of achieving the American Dream and preserving their Kenyan culture. The problem is that those among the diaspora are rarely forthcoming about the difficulties they face when attempting to assimilate or balance both cultural identities. Culture shock, communication barriers, and working within a foreign political system can all be found among diaspora Kenyans' many unique challenges. However, speaking openly about these obstacles can be difficult due to fear of ridicule or backlash.

Legal issues

There is a vast Kenyan diaspora in America, and some are facing legal issues and even deportation or incarceration due to bringing Kenyan mentalities to America. This often happens when they get into conflicts with others or break the law without realizing it.

Sometimes, these Kenyans are unfamiliar with American culture and values, which can lead to misunderstandings. Other times, they may simply hold onto old Kenyan traditions that clash with American norms.

I know of a true story of Kenyans who transported a goat in the boot of a car, and once they arrived at a police checkpoint, the goat was swiftly taken to a sanctuary for first aid due to inhumane treatment. It was breaking news! The goat even had a front-page newspaper debut with a lovely picture eating grass in the local sanctuary. Authorities declared that it was "safe and recuperating." A true G.O.A.T in the making. This hullabaloo drew in Animal rights activists and legal woes for the driver of the vehicle.

Either way, it's essential to be aware of the potential cultural clashes that can occur when Kenyans come to America. To avoid problems- learn about both cultures and have a basic understanding of American law.

Find where your purpose is (not everyone is meant to be in America)

I know many people will not resonate with this, but- not everyone is meant to be in America! Yes, I said it- Your purpose may be elsewhere (maybe Kenya, Brazil, Philippines, etc.), not America. I say this because many people have come to America, and it has caused more heartache and pain because they haven't aligned with their life purpose.

I always advise people first to figure out the why, where, and how of their purpose in life. Secondly, be comfortable with it. It's also paramount to remember that mindset plays a key role, believing that anything is possible no matter where one chooses their journey towards success.

Tips for immigrants coming to America

Many will read this piece and still be adamant about coming to America. Well, that's why I have this section for you!

One of the essential tips for immigrants coming to America is to be prepared to work hard. The American dream may appear to some like an elusive goal, but with dedication and ambition, anything is possible. Immigrants should take advantage of every opportunity available to realize their goals of creating a successful and productive life in this country.

It won't be easy, as it will require a lot of hard work, tears, and dedication, but perseverance and never giving up on achieving one's dreams are essential for success in America. It may take some time, but don't give up - anything is possible with pursuing your dreams!

-Heather Chesiyna, MSW, is a Kenyan American Author and Blogger based in Washington, DC. You can find her via her primary blog