Stella Waithera Kahigi when she appeared before Chief Magistrate Wendy Kagendo on Monday, April 11, 2022.[Collins Kweyu, Standard]

A woman who allegedly threatened to shoot a taxi driver following a dispute over fare was yesterday charged at a Milimani court.

Thirty-seven-year-old Stella Waithera Kahigi appeared before Chief Magistrate Wendy Kagendo and denied a charge of possessing a pistol without a licence.

Ms Kahigi reportedly threatened Japheth Muthui, a Bolt taxi driver, with a gun after he charged her Sh210 for a ride.

The charge sheet read that on April 9 at Laxman apartments within Loresho estate, she was found in possession of a Daisy-made pistol without a firearm certificate.

In the police report, Ms Kahigi is alleged to have differed with the taxi driver whom she thought was overcharging her.

The accused had hailed a taxi to take her and a friend home.

Mr Muthui drove them to Ms Kahigi’s house. When they arrived the accused and her friend alighted and went in to charge the phone.

They left Mr Muthui in his taxi waiting to be paid. It’s alleged that his phone application gadget had a problem and he had approximated the fare, causing a friction. 

According to the police report, Ms Kahigi was infuriated when she opened her window and found out that Mr Muthui was still outside waiting to be paid.

“She went to her bedroom, got the pistol and brandished it through the window as she pointed towards the taxi driver while ordering him to leave. At that time she had already paid him through the phone application platform,” read the police report.

The threat prompted Mr Muthui to lodge a complaint at Gigiri Police Station, leading to Ms Kahigi’s arrest. 

The accused asked the magistrate to grant her lenient bail terms since she has diabetes and high blood pressure.

She told the magistrate that she is unemployed and has two children she is taking care of. 

Ms Kagendo released her on a bond of Sh200,000 or alternative cash bail of Sh100,000.