Interior CS Fred Matiang’i urged restraint and caution among leaders as political campaigns gain impetus. [The Standard]

Cabinet secretaries Fred Matiang’i (Interior) and Peter Munya (Agriculture) have insisted that President Uhuru Kenyatta has the right to take all the credit for Jubilee administration’s success.

Their remarks come on the back of a heated debate on Deputy President William Ruto’s role in the completion of projects.

Ruto recently said he also deserves to be credited for successful Jubilee projects, stating that without him, the Jubilee administration wouldn’t have existed.

Ministers Matiang’i and Munya, however, hold a contrary opinion.

“We cannot go around the country claiming the president has not worked for the people. Let’s give credit where it’s due. More roads have been tarmacked and more schools constructed under his leadership,” Agriculture CS Peter Munya said on Thursday, February 10 while addressing residents of Chakiariga in Tharaka Nithi County.

Munya had accompanied Matiang’i to Chakiariga, where the Interior minister announced the elevation of the area and Muthambi to sub-county ranks.

Munya accused DP Ruto of being corrupt. The deputy president has, however, on several occasions, refuted the allegations.

On his part, Matiang’i said the success of State projects should be attributed to the overall leader of government, in this case President Kenyatta.

“It’s very dishonest for leaders to take credit for all the many projects President Kenyatta has initiated and at the same time accuse the same government of doing nothing. It cannot be a case of both,” Matiangi said. 

In his address in Mombasa on Monday, February 7, during the launch of national universal health coverage, the president suggested that the deputy president spent most of his time campaigning at the expense of serving Kenyans.

“We have seen those claiming to have done this or that, while accusing certain State officers of incompetence. No one works while addressing people from their vehicle roof tops. Work is done in the offices and hospitals,” said the Head of State.

The new sub-counties created in Tharaka Nithi County, Chiakariga and Muthambi, would allow the locals to easily access government services, including issuance of identification cards, registration of births and deaths, recruitment of officers in the Police Service, among others.