Lawrence Amuke Oprong at the gate of DP William Ruto’s office in Nairobi on Tuesday, January 11, 2022. [Collins Kweyu, Standard]

A youthful man on Tuesday, January 11 tied himself to one of the gates leading to Deputy President William Ruto’s office, citing lack of a job.

Lawrence Amuke Oprong, who claims to be the son of former Busia North Member of Parliament Fredrick Oduya Oprong (deceased), said Ruto had promised him a job, but reneged on the pledge, leaving him with no other option but to show up at his Harambee House Annex office.

Amuke chained his waist to the gate grills, saying he’d only free himself if Ruto addresses him.

Security officers’ efforts to remove him from the scene bore no fruit.

A contingent of 20 plainclothes police officers later arrived and used a hacksaw to break the chain.

Amuke was subsequently arrested and taken to the Central Police Station.

The police officers also seized the camera of a Standard Group journalist, who was covering the drama.

The journalist was, however, later released and his camera returned.

Police say they will charge Amuke with causing disturbance in a public place.