Janet Nasaka holding her baby, with Faridah Kavere seated next to them. The picture on the right is of Kavere. [Elvince Joshua, Standard]

A one-month old baby, who was in her mother’s company while en route to Kisumu from Nairobi on Wednesday, is lucky to be alive.

The baby accidentally choked, and breathed fluid into her airway and the lungs, a serious risk to her life.

Faridah Kavere, a medical technician, was among passengers in the matatu, when the baby had the health emergency at Gilgil in Nakuru County.

The baby was breastfeeding on a seat adjacent to Kavere’s. Her mother, Janet Nasaka, said she did not know what to do when her child choked.

Janet Nasaka during an interview with The Standard on Wednesday, December 15. [Elvince Joshua, Standard]

“I opened my eyes from brief sleep, and saw the baby convulsing,” said Nasaka.

Kavere, immediately read distress on the mother’s face, and decided to offer professional emergency care.

“I asked the driver to park on the roadside. When he did, I administered first aid on the child,” Kavere told The Standard.

The medic said the baby developed complications while breastfeeding.

“I leaned the baby over, making her chest parallel with the ground. I thereafter used an arm to steady her at the shoulder while delivering blows to the centre of her back. I aimed the heel of my hand between the child’s shoulder blades. The treatment works by providing temporary pressure spike as well as using natural force of gravity to clear the child’s airway,” Kavere said.

The Red Cross recommends a “five-and-five” approach, alternating between five abdominal thrusts and five back blows until the object is clear of the airway.

“Had the emergency care not been administered, the baby would have suffered cardiac attack, possibly fatal, or irreversible brain damage,” said Kavere.

“I’m grateful to Kavere for saving my baby’s life,” said Janet Nasaka, who was travelling to Luanda, Vihiga County.

Kavere is an emergency medical technician, who works at a State firm in Mombasa.

She was off duty, and decided to travel to Kisumu for a First Aid seminar. She was trained as a medic at the Thika School of Medical and Health Sciences.

Her work entails providing emergency services to victims of trauma, respiratory complications and cardiac attacks.