Two suspects were on Thursday, June 17, lynched after allegedly robbing a 60-year-old woman Sh350,000 while on her way from a Machakos town bank.

An angry mob caught up with the three suspects alleged to have pursued and abducted Veronica Kiilu at Mua Hills and robbing her of cash.

According to DCI officers, Jackson Mulinge Mueke and Augustus Nzioka Ndeto were part of a three-man gang that had trailed Mrs Kiilu, from a bank in Machakos town.

The suspects started trailing Veronica and her 72-year-old husband Wellington Kioko earlier after they reportedly withdrew Sh500,000 from the bank.

The couple used Sh150,000 to pay a lawyer based in Machakos town for an unspecified assignment before Mrs Kiilu boarded a matatu to Kaloleni in Mua Hills, carrying the rest of the money.

She left her husband in Machakos town, attending to other matters.

Mrs Kiilu is reported to have alighted at Kaloleni and took a motorbike to Mau before the suspects using a Toyota Axio car drove past them, stopped them and abducted her.

In a dramatic scene, two men jumped out of the car and grabbed Mr Kiilu from the motorbike, bundled her into the back seat of the gateway car and sped off towards Muthwani shopping centre.

Boda boda riders and members of the public pursued the thugs and intercepted them before they reached Ndovoni area.

The irate mob ejected the three occupants out of the white Toyota Axio registration number KCH 348S and lynched two of them.

The third suspect managed to escape on foot leaving behind his ID card at the scene.

Police also recovered a walkie talkie, and three mobile phones belonging to the suspects were recovered.

Detectives are pursuing the third suspect.