Homa Bay Woman Representative Gladys Wanga (left) at the water project in Lwaho Primary school in Kochia Ward on April 22, 2021. [James Omoro, Standard]

The State has started a water project worth Sh10 million in Rangwe constituency.

The project is being undertaken at Lwaho Primary school in Kochia ward to help more than 3,000 residents.

Homa Bay Woman Representative Gladys Wanga on Thursday launched the project funded by the National Water Harvesting and Storage Authority.

It involves drilling and distributing water to the school and area residents from a reservoir tank.

Wanga said the project will take effect in eight weeks.

She said the project came after residents raised complaints of acute water shortage.

“Many have been walking for 3km in search of water during dry seasons. This is an effort to end the problem,” Wanga said.

The Woman Rep said the project will improve residents’ health through the prevention of communicable infections.

Wanga said a similar project will later be implemented at Kamasi and Rambusi in Ndhiwa constituency and Got Sibuor in Kabondo Kasipul constituency.

Resident Mark Owaga said the long-distance travelled in search of water had caused divorces among young couples.

“There are young women who quit their marriages because of the long-distance travelled to access clean water,” Owaga said.

Resident Ruth Anyach said, “Women are the people charged with the responsibility of providing water for domestic use in a family. We will get time to sleep during dry spells upon completion of this project.”