Education Cabinet Secretary Professor George Magoha. [Jenipher Wachie, Standard]

A headteacher, supervisor and two invigilators will spend 10 days at Kamagambo Police Station in Migori County after they were arraigned in a Rongo court over exam irregularities.

The headteacher, Francis Akoth, who was acting as Rongo Secondary School's centre manager, Job Mamayi, the supervisor, Florence Auma and George Magambo, who were invigilators, appeared before Senior Resident Magistrate Raymond Langat.

The magistrate ruled that the four will be remanded for 10 days at Kamagambo Police Station as investigations on exam irregularities continued.

This was after the prosecution asked for more time to investigate the matter and the four remanded to prevent interference with the investigation process.

The four suspects were arrested on Tuesday at 3pm by officers attached to the Directorate of Criminal Investigations.

An invigilator (a separate incident) was the first to be arrested on suspicion of leaking the ongoing Kenya Certificate of Secondary Education exams to candidates.

Education Cabinet Secretary Professor George Magoha on Tuesday said the invigilator will face criminal charges even as police search for his accomplices.

The Cabinet secretary said the malpractice happened between the time the examination papers left the distribution centre and when they arrived at the centre.

“Examination officials shared the questions with candidates before exam start-time,” Prof Magoha said. The case will be mentioned on April 9.