Police in Embu are looking for a bodaboda rider who is accused of raping a form girl as she walked to take a matatu to school early in the morning.

Samuel Gitau the Deputy Subcounty police commander in Embu West said teachers from the County secondary made a report at Itabua police station that a schoolgirl had been defiled while on her way to school.

“Police are also looking for the suspect while the 16-year-old girl has been taken to hospital for further investigations,” said Gitau

A newspaper vendor who rescued the girl and took her to school said he found the girl seated by the roadside crawling and on closer look he identified the girl.

“At around 6 am near Kaurina, Muthatari Junction I found the girl by the roadside and when I enquired what was the matter she started crying and informed me that she had been assaulted by a bodaboda rider who was in the company of another colleague,” the newspaper vendor said.

The vendor said the girl had her clothes dusty and an unbuttoned blouse.

“She narrated to me that after her mum escorted her to the road and went back to the house, two people each on a motorbike approached and one parked his bike by the roadside while pretending to look for something before grabbing her by the neck and pulling her to the bushes where he raped her as the other ransacked her school bag,” the vendor said.

The perpetrators are said to have threatened the girl with death if she made any noise.

According to the vendor, the form one girl at County Secondary school in Embu town was afraid of missing school as she could be punished for missing a class.

Her mother who was terrified could not speak to the media as she was assisted to rush the daughter to the hospital.

The students are normally expected to be in school by 6 am daily and perpetrators seem to have taken advantage of the morning darkness.