Trans-Nzoia Speaker Joshua Werunga with some MCAs after passing the Building Bridges Initiative Bill. [Osinde Obare, Standard]

Trans-Nzoia County Assembly became the sixth assembly to pass the Building Bridges Initiative (BBI) amendment Bill after Kisumu, Siaya, Homa Bay, Kisii and Busia counties.

The proposed two additional constituencies in Trans-Nzoia and ward development fund contributed to the passage of the constitutional amendment Bill.

Out of 30 MCAs, 27 voted to pass the bill during a session chaired by Speaker Joshua Werunga on Tuesday.

Chepsiro/Kiptoror MCA Kirwa Birir and his Chepchoinacounterpart  Evans Chesang voted against the bill during the heated debate.

While Kinyoro MCA Lawrence Mogusu abstained from the vote.

All the 14 nominated MCAs led by Margaret Wanjala and Philip Nyongesa backed the BBI saying they respected the stand by their respective parties, NASA and Jubilee party.

Contributing to the BBI, the MCAs said the document will bring goodies to the counties citing the creation of Ward Development Fund and revenue allocation increase from 15 per cent to 35 per cent.

"Devolution will be realised through the constitutional changes proposed in BBI. Trans-Nzoia county is going to benefit from two more constituencies," said Benard Wambwa of Tuwan ward.

Birir argued that the BBI is unrealistic and that its proponents were overambitious.

Nominated MCA Penina Khisa said she left her hospital bed to turn up to support the Bill.

"I thank God to be here. I have been in ICU but I got the energy to come and cast my vote in support of the Bill. It is good for the country," said Khisa.

Suwera-Cherangany MCA Mathew Orange who is also the chair of the constitutional band legal committee tabled the Bill on the floor of the House.

After the passage of the bill, Werunga praised the MCAs for demonstrating maturity and openness during the debate.

"I salute the way you have tackles the bill and its passage," said Werunga.

Earlier, West Pokot passed the Bill, becoming the first in Rift Valley to endorse the bill.