A 17-year-old girl was arrested on Friday in connection with the death of a newborn baby, whose body was discovered in a pit latrine in Yatta, Kitui County.

Detectives from DCI said the Form Three student was arrested for suspected infanticide after she complained of stomach pains.

According to the detectives, the school’s principal reported that the student was rushed to a nearby health centre after stomachache where she was examined and found to have procured abortion.

The teenage girl was however treated and discharged, but a search was mounted for the whereabouts of the foetus which was later recovered thrown in the latrine.

“On fishing it out, a male foetus approximated at 8-months old was found wrapped with the sheet, having a piece of a mosquito net tied around its neck,” DCI said on Twitter.

The suspect was immediately apprehended after the shocking recovery from the latrine.

The recovered body was taken to a mortuary for autopsy.