Two convicts held at Wang'uru Police Station in Kirinyaga County died early Sunday morning.

The two are among five convicts who were rushed to the Kimbimbi Sub-County Hospital from the police station where they were waiting to be cleared of Covid-19 and start their sentences.

Kirinyaga County Police Commander Leah Kithei, who confirmed the incident on phone, said three other convicts were admitted at the hospital, but the police could not ascertain if they died of Covid-19 because their tests were yet to be released.

Kithei said two convicts from the Wanguru Law Courts are admitted at Kimbimbi Sub-County Hospital while the another was referred to Kirinya County Hospital.

"Convicts are held at the police holding facilities and must get Covid-19 clearance certificates before being taken to the Prison to serve their terms," Kithei added.

The region has been experiencing a shortage of testing kits in hospitals.

Kithei observed that the remaining convicts at Wang'uru Police Station have been isolated.

At the time of publishing, a medical team had arrived at the station to take more samples and advice on the way forward.

She further said all police officers at the station will be tested and fumigation will be done as a further precautionary measure.

Kithei urged residents of Kirinyaga County to strictly adhere to Ministry of Health guidelines on Covid-19.

She maintained that the police will not condone any person disobeying the protocols and would conduct regular crackdowns.

This comes barely a week after Kirinyaga Governor Ann Waiguru temporarily closed the county offices located at Kutus (headquarters) for two weeks and directed officers to work from home.