Mombasa politician and businessman Suleiman Shahbal has backed Governor Hassan Joho’s plan to mobilise resources to provide food for more than 227,000 vulnerable residents who are to be affected by the measures to stop coronavirus.

Shahbal (pictured) who contested the Mombasa gubernatorial race in 2013 and 2017 said he would do everything possible to support the relief food mobilisation efforts to assist those who will be affected by a shut down.

"What the county government is proposing is fantastic. It is a noble initiative that will cushion the most vulnerable members of society who have to work on a daily basis during the curfew (and) in the event of a lockdown," said Shahbal.

He added that the local community had experience in this area because every year locals came together to map out poor families to support with food during Ramadhan.

On Thursday, Mr Joho announced his government's plan to set aside Sh250 million to buy food for 227,404 vulnerable households