A section of Kenyans on Twitter are not happy with Nairobi Woman Representative Esther Passaris’ response to a family asking for financial help to bury their kin.

The Twitter post which was put up by a user identified as Videltah Glory on Wednesday 14 August, had been directed to three people; Nairobi Governor Mike Sonko, Mombasa Governor Ali Hassan Joho and the Nairobi Woman Rep.

@MikeSonko @HassanJoho @EstherPassaris The family is reaching to us to help clear the Late David Mutemi's Bill we reach out to you because we know when we come together great things happen,” read the post by Glory.

@MikeSonko @HassanJoho @EstherPassaris
The family is reaching to us to help clear the Late David Mutemi's Bill we reach out to you because we know when we come together great things happen
Paybill 891300
Account 34801#helplaydavidtorest pic.twitter.com/dqUb4KJx1J— videltah glory (@VideltahGlory) August 14, 2019

Among the three legislators, Passaris was the only one who responded but her response did not go well with most netizens.

The Nairobi Woman rep alluded that she was not able to help the family as her salary and per diem were exhausted.

“Sorry my salary and per diems exhausted. When the County Government pays the per diems due to me plus interest and the courts reinstates our house allowance & awards me defamation in upcoming cases I shall do more to help the many who the law cannot in the short run,” responded Passaris.

One Twitter user suggested that Passaris’ response was uncalled for citing that she could have remained silent or just retweeted the post.

Others even questioned if she was the one responding or her Twitter handle had been hacked.

Here’s how a section of Kenyans reacted to Esther Passaris’ response; 

I can't believe I voted for you.
Where is empathy in your response for someone who is in so much pain already. How do you then make it about you.
If you know you cant help you an ignore or retweet will do. — Baby W?t? (@karigoh) August 14, 2019

There's no need for you to be condescending to someone asking for help. Being silent would not have hurt madam women rep.
As a person who proudly voted for you, seeing this fills me with disgust!!!! pic.twitter.com/IzoBgJmNLw— david mwangi (@The_Mwangi) August 14, 2019

Is this you,Madam Women Rep?Did someone take over your twitter account for a moment?You've stooped this low?If you can't help,just don't add salt to injury. Where is your courtesy?— Areba Bonface (@Areba_KE) August 15, 2019

Its a shame you had to turn this plea for help to be about you and your unnecessary salary increments. Some of us are paid way less than you MPs, we still pay taxes that enable you to get your lucrative salaries and allowances and we still contribute to support stuff like this.— rashid swaleh (@RSwaleh) August 15, 2019

It's time you log out of all your social media accounts, re-strategize, re-think and come back. You've alot of bitterness within yourself!— Enock Musyimi (@EWambua) August 15, 2019

Are you saying that 'other ' Kenyans help each other because they have per diems plus sitting, standing, dozing e.t.c. allowances!!!! Wondering loudly— Kimathi Njoka (@KimanthiNjoka) August 15, 2019

Did someone hack @EstherPassaris account coz this doesnt sound like her????you didnt have to say anything— molly (@MollyOdhiambo1) August 14, 2019

There's a time and place for everything. Your response in this case was uncalled for and unnecessary. If you have respect for the people as you claim, you'd respect the dead too.Getting your point across at such a time proves that you lead with emotions rather than logic. SHAME!— Kalekye ?????????? (@marykey_mk) August 14, 2019

How disgusting. You looked at a grieving family in need and decided this was an opportunity to keep driving home your useless points. Totally regret voting for you. Completely disappointing but most importantly, I am disgusted— Labbish....allogant (@malesi_s) August 15, 2019

This sounds more sarcastic than its intent. In layman's understanding you telling these family to see their lives. You would have ignored the tweet. This is too low of you mama taa.— jacob oketch odero (@oderojax) August 14, 2019

We are in more than 20 WhatsApp groups and we don't complain we contribute anything we don't complain and what's we earn can't compare to what these guys in the August house earn.....Sawa tuu they will come to ask for votes— David Ludogoli (@DLUDOGOLI) August 14, 2019