Career success is personal yet relative as it is different among different people.

Success starts with an attitude. What you are looking to get out of your career? In order to achieve career success, you need to stay focused on your goal and tackle setbacks in the journey set. Career success is achievable.

5 basic factors on what career success means to you…

1.     Where I am and is that where I want to be?

Career success is defined as the time you understand where you are currently in your career and where you wish to be. This step determines what you will need to work on so as to achieve career success. Remember, you need ambition first in order to acquire success then action comes in second. Ambition in healthy amounts helps you grow as well as become a stronger person in mind and body. However, it is important to note that ambition alone does not always equal success. Talent, skill and other circumstances also play a part.

2.     How do I define happiness in my career?

Under which category does your career success fall? Is it in money; where when lack of it makes you a failure? Is it in the ability to go to school for a second or third degree, while working and still balancing all of it with your personal life? Or is it all about networking, having strong connections and getting promoted faster than your peers? These will all determine the level of your career success. Do you work hard to be happy or do you work happier and not harder?

3.     Is my passion and profession in it together?

Do you get to profess your passion? Are you motivated to do what do you every day? If you work in a field where your passion and profession are married then count yourself privileged. A number of professionals have gone as far as quitting their well-paying and satisfactory jobs for completely differently jobs because for years they feel stagnant. At some point, your passion will make you take bold steps and sacrifice a lot in order to grow. This will all benefit your career in the long run.

4.     How is my overall performance?

How do you feel whenever you do something that you are good at? I bet you feel satisfied. Therefore, you should constantly be working to improve your work and position. Are you really working hard or just passing days? Are you working on yourself? Have a clear vision of yourself and your career. You should never stick to the status quo and stand by waiting for change to come for you. Evaluate how much you have advanced or grown as a person and if at all its good for you or not. Your career success will be achieved by the goals you set and your ability to meet them. ?

5.     The relationships in my work place…

Success is not evaluated based an individual’s work, but the work of a team. In order for one to be considered successful, there need be an achievement of both the individual and team goals. How do you relate with your coworkers? How is the work environment? To attain career success, you should have a good working environment propelled by how you interact with your bosses and team members. If you are working in a toxic environment filled with negativity, hindrances and unfair treatment, then you might need to question whether you will ever experience career success. If you have a good and healthy relationship with your co-workers and superiors, then you are on your way to having a fruitful career.