Kiambu Governor Ferdinand Waititu at a past event. [File, Standard]

Senior staff in Kiambu County's finance department have resigned just two weeks after being reinstated by Governor Ferdinand Waititu.

Faith Njeri Harrison, who was the county chief finance officer, tendered her resignation alongside the director of accounting services, deputy director of accounting service and three accountants.

Ms Harrison yesterday confirmed she and the other officers had resigned after working in the county government became what she termed ‘untenable’.

She claims their woes began after the finance department paid some suppliers without involving the Executive after recent receipt of funds from the Treasury.

Ms Harrison, four senior accountants and a procurement officer had last month resigned citing disagreements with the governor over payment of pending bills.

They were later reinstated by the governor on condition that the Finance Department will be let to work freely without interference.

The former chief officer had at the time accused the governor of micro-managing the finance department.

Waititu has already replaced Ms Harrison.

In a letter dated July 1, the governor appointed William Nyanjui Kimani who was the chief officer at the department of administration as the new chief officer in-charge of finance.

When reached for comment, Waititu maintained he was the one that had made changes in the finance department to 'bring about efficiency and transparency'. He accused the former team of paying pending bills selectively.