The start of a new year offers us the opportunity to refocus our energies to be better in our careers. As the job market gets tougher, it also means that the job seekers need to evolve too. If the past year has had one too many Monday morning blues and countless disappointing replies, it’s time to re-evaluate yourself and your job searching strategies. Here are some valuable tips that you need to consider to reboot your job search.

1. Update your credentials

Update your resume and all your online professional profiles with your latest and greatest achievements. The world has become a global village. A potential employer can just go and check out your LinkedIn profile. Do not lower your chances of beating out competition by overlooking this important aspect. In addition, your resume should be flawless and eye-catching. Plan a date to review it. Pack it with key words. Get it reviewed by a couple of trusted people and accept positive criticism where you blindly made mistakes.

2.Have a professional digital presence

This goes into building your brand. You need to show that you are confident and knowledgeable. Build a brand that will market you when employers Google you. Use the time you spend online to build and project a unique professional image. Clean up those questionable photos. Ensure that your social media profiles do not raise any red flags especially if you are not among the very few people in this world who thrive in controversy.  

3. Research your Industry

Finding all the relevant information about your area of specialisation or the job you are seeking is extremely vital. Understand new industry trends. Know what technology is required and new skills in demand. Identify challenges and the direction the industry is heading. This way, you will speak intelligently about the industry and you will sound like you are in-the-know.

4.  List your dream companies

It is important to get a sense of what kind of organisation you would like to work for. Familiarise yourself with what they do and be on the lookout for new opportunities. Dig out all the information you will need to justify why they should consider you among many.

5.  Be persistent

Focus on meeting a number of goals per week. You can opt to keep a schedule of the number of applications you want to make per week. Ensure that you continue to sharpen your skills. Always have a positive attitude. The competition may be tough but getting your dream job is still a possibility. Constant complaining and lack of self-esteem will only work against you.

6. Do not seem too desperate

Adding 60 new connections or joining 19 groups on LinkedIn on the same day sends a very loud job search appeal; not a very good idea. It is easy to feel desperate when you are unemployed. Every minute you put into your job search is valuable. However, do not waste your time by networking blindly or applying for every job that you come across. Focus on what is important and give it your best.

7.  Use your networks

Keep expanding your contacts. Networking can instantly boost your career just by talking to the right people. Learn how to make quality conversations with the bigwigs. Be strategic and check out the websites of nearby organisations with the intention of identifying a networking event you can go to. Know who you want to meet and why. Meet new people and demonstrate your ability to put across well-articulated statements. Alternatively, you can plan a networking meeting by inviting five of your friends (who make money) over. Ask them to bring along a colleague and facilitate a discussion on job search tips or business. In addition, do not forget to touch base with former colleagues, clients and associates.