Ex-President Bill Clinton with his wife Hillary Clinton [Photo, courtesy]

A suspicious package has been found near the home of ex-President Bill Clinton and his wife Hillary in Chappaqua, in upstate New York.

The device was reportedly in the mailbox, according to the New York Times, and it was identified during a routine screening.

Federal police are investigating the discovery alongside the Secret Service.

The device is reportedly similar to a bomb with explosive powder found at the home of billionaire George Soros, also in New York state, earlier this week.

No one was hurt in that case. It's not clear if the cases, both in Westchester County, could be related.

In Soros' case, an employee noticed the package, put it in a wooded area and called police, who alerted the FBI and the Bureau of Alcohol, Firearms and Explosives.

Soros, a billionaire who made his fortune in hedge funds, has donated heavily to liberal causes and is vilified on the right and is also the subject of several conspiracy theories, some even promoted by President Donald Trump.

He lives less than 10 miles from the Clinton's in Westchester County.

Soros' foundation, The Open Society Foundation, released a statement Tuesday condemning "the politics of hate that dominates our discourse today."

"In this climate of fear, falsehoods, and rising authoritarianism, just voicing your views can draw death threats," the statement continued.

"George Soros deplores violence of any kind, and urges politicians across the political spectrum to tone down their rhetoric. Words have consequences, and we bear a collective responsibility to create a more civil way to discuss our political differences.

"Respect for a diversity of opinions is fundamental to open society and that is the work that George Soros has devoted his life to. Our politics should be more about what we’re for than who we hate."