A female nurse at Kenyatta National Hospital (KNH) is nursing serious injuries after she was attacked by a relative of a patient at the hospital.

Trouble started yesterday at around 10.30am when the mother of a 17-year-old boy who died at the hospital attacked a nurse who was on duty.

The boy, Elisha Ouko Juma, was a Third Former at Upper Hill School.

The brother of the boy, Gideon Mayenga, said her mother acted out of anger accusing the nurses of failing to transfuse blood to save the boy’s life.

Mr Mayenga said he had brought more than ten relatives and friends to donate blood after the hospital told them they had no matching blood in the blood bank. The mother is said to have attacked the nurse when she learnt that her son had succumbed to leukemia-related complications.

The nurse was rushed by fellow colleagues to an emergency room at KNH for medical examination and was said to be in a coma. Kilimani OCPD Michael Muchiri said the woman was being held at Capitol Hill Police Station for further questioning.

Facing charge

“It’s true the incident happened at the hospital. We are yet to establish the motive of the attack. We have launched investigations and the woman will be charged next week with assault,” Muchiri said.

Kenya Union of Nurses (KNUN) officials vice chairman Moses Chirchir protested outside the hospital over the incident.

Mr Chirchir said the mother to the dead student, accompanied by five of her relatives, entered the ward where the nurse on duty was preparing to disclose the death of their patient.

He blamed security guards for failing to respond to the incident on time and ignored to screen those entering the hospital wards before the recommended hours.