IEBC Chairman Wafula Chebukati (left) and CEO Ezra Chiloba during a past event. [Beverlyne Musili/Standard]

Suspended Independent Electoral and Boundaries Commission (IEBC) CEO Ezra Chiloba has renewed his attack on Chairman Wafula Chebukati, accusing him of highhandedness and acting as if he is above the law.

In his further affidavit to support the suit challenging his suspension, Chiloba also told Mr Chebukati to stop hiding under the commission to escape criticism and lawsuits over illegalities he has been committing with two other commissioners, Abdi Guliye and Boya Molu.

Chiloba also wants the chairman stopped from acting on behalf of IEBC, arguing that the latter has no authority to transact any business following the resignation of three commissioners.

“Chebukati has no authority to swear any affidavit on behalf of the IEBC, as currently constituted. His response to my illegal suspension on behalf on the commission is therefore inaccurate and incompetent,” said Chiloba.

He squarely blames Chebukati for his woes, stating that the manner in which he (chairman) introduced a report of the audit in procurement leading to the suspension was suspicious.

Chebukati, in his response to the suit, accused Chiloba of using illegally obtained materials to support his case and wanted the eight controversial documents expunged from the court records.

He stated that Chiloba misused his position to access the information that was likely to bring the commission into disrepute.