Briefly held by  authorities in Mombasa: NRM strategist Miguna Miguna.

NRM strategist Dr Miguna Miguna was briefly held by  security people which the opposition claimed were  from the military in Mombasa on Sunday evening as he drove to Kilifi to meet opposition leaders at a local hotel.

Earlier reports indicated he was held by police but a senator claimed military officials were involved.

Dr Miguna was travelling to the hotel to meet NASA leaders including Raila Odinga, Mombasa governor Hassan Ali Joho, Kilifi governor Amason Kingi and others. The daylong meeting was convened to discuss NASA’s strategy against Jubilee including Raila’s declared intention to be sworn in as president through the mandate of the People’s Assembly.

Following daylong deliberations at which speakers demanded Raila take the oath of president, several experts also justified the right of Kenyans to exercise the right to self determination including secession if the Jubilee regime does not demonstrate the will and ability to be inclusive and steer the nation to cohesion.

“No one will stop me from lifting the bible to take the oath,” said Raila, adding that the secession talk in parts of Kenya should neither be criminalized nor considered treason.

“When the state of governance becomes bad and the state excludes sections of the nation it becomes inevitable that the people will exercise the right to self determination,” Raila said and argued that the current talk about separation should be seen in this context.

Among other resolutions by delegates from various Coast counties the meeting declared that it considered Uhuru Kenyatta an illegitimate president unworthy of respect as a leader.

“…. we do not recognize the illegitimate presidency of Uhuru Kenyatta, and to state in no uncertain terms that we shall not accept the institutionalization of sham elections in Kenya.”

The delegates also resolved they will not cooperate with Uhuru and Jubilee because they believe he is a product of a sham election.

  “There will be no business as usual until a democratically elected President assumes office,” according to the resolutions in which delegates also resolved to exercise the right to self determination at some time.

Among strategists at yesterday’s meeting was Dr David Ndii who was also held by state security agents when visiting Kwale about two weeks ago.

Dr Ndii said many large scale projects launched in Coast by the national government have no relevance to local residents and their input was also not considered in creating them.

For the better part of early evening several road blocks were erected on road coming from the airport and those leading to Kilifi. Drivers were stopped, cars searched and occupants required to provide some identification. Apparently soldiers were part of the officials manning road blocks.

According to Kilifi Senator Stewart Madzayo soldiers who were part of a security contingent flagged down a car carrying Miguna and asked him to come out after identifying him as the vehicle approached Bamburi police station. The detention was effected around 6.30 pm.

“Miguna declined to come out of the vehicle and there was a stand off. As we speak now a crowd has began gathering and the people are demanding Miguna’s freedom,” said Madzayo on phone to The Standard. There was no official confirmation of the senator's story.

By 8.00 o’clock it was not clear whether Miguna had been freed. An official at Joho’s office who asked not to be named said Miguna was freed but was not aware where he was. Police declined to discuss this matter when contacted.

Reports of Miguna’s arrest sparked anxiety as Raila and other leaders at the hotel rushed to Mombasa to seek his redemption.