Members of the public storm Kasarani Stadium during the inauguration of President Uhuru Kenyatta on 28th November, 2017. (Photo: Courtesy)

Police lobbed teargas on Tuesday to disperse hundreds of Jubilee Party supporters outside Moi Sports Centre Kasarani.

This was after the crowd attempted to force their way into the stadium, prompting security agents manning the entrance to fire tear gas.

A stampede occurred and several people were injured in the ensuing melee, with paramedics who were stationed outside the 60,000-seat stadium giving medical attention.

Earlier, Kenyans from all walks of life thronged the stadium as early as 4am in order to sit at vantage points to witness the historic event.

At the four designated entry points to the venue, hawk-eyed security guards frisked the public. No one with a bottle of water or any liquid was allowed into the stadium.

Before being allowed into the stadium, a multi-agency security team assisted by National Youth Service personal took the public through a second security screening, at the various gates leading to the stadium, before being ushered into the main venue.

The stadium that was filled to the brim was dotted with red and yellow, the colours of Jubilee Party.

At 9:25am, the master of ceremonies Peter Wanjohi declared the stadium was full and asked those who were still outside to follow proceedings from outside.

At the entry points for VIPs, only those with accreditation cards were allowed in, with top officials of the Judiciary, Executive and Legislature being in the group.

Yesterday, only VVIPs that included visiting presidents were driven into the stadium. Former First Lady Mama Ngina Kenyatta, Nairobi Governor Mike Sonko, and Chief Justice David Maraga, were the only other Kenyans apart from Mr Kenyatta and his deputy that were driven to the venue.

MPs, judges, Cabinet secretaries, principal secretaries and magistrates boarded buses.