Houses that were razed by boda boda riders on Monday. [Nathan Ochunge, Standard]

At least 10 houses were torched early on Monday in Mirere village, Matungu sub-county, after a boda boda rider was killed on Sunday night.

Following the incident, over 50 people have been rendered homeless.

After picking the body of their colleague from Kakamega County Referral Hospital, angry boda boda riders headed to the homesteads of people who were last seen with the victim at a bar in Matungu.

They claimed Silas Ng’ono was strangled to death by the four suspects from Mirere village.

The suspects are currently in hiding after they learnt that the riders were baying for their blood.

Speaking to The Standard in Mirere village on Wednesday, Charles Omar, a boda boda operator, said they burnt the houses as a way of revenging the death of their colleague.

“We burnt down the houses after we discovered that the four suspects who were last seen by our colleague had fled. Someone who is innocent cannot run away and this angered us. We will look for them and ensure we also avenge the death of our colleague,” said Mr Omar.

He alleged their colleague was strangled by the four suspects after leaving the bar where they were taking some drinks at the weekend.

Omar added Mr Ng’ono was found by a passersby on the Matungu-Busia road who rushed him to Kakamega County Referral Hospital for treatment but was pronounced dead on arrival.

Motor cycle recovered

“We cannot go to the police to report the matter since in most cases the suspects are freed. The only solution was to burn the houses. We are still looking for the suspects and we must punish them,” said David Odero, another rider.

Mr Odero accused the police of sleeping on the job whenever they report such incidents to them, arguing that they are forced to take law into their own hands as a way of mourning their colleague who was killed.

Area Assistant Chief Hassan Shiundu confirmed the burning of the houses.

“I held a meeting with them over the weekend and we agreed that they allow police to carry out investigations as opposed to taking the law into their own hands. They didn’t listen to my advice and what they did is criminal in and they will be held accountable,” said Mr Shiundu.

He said the Ng’ono motorcycle was recovered.

Cases of motorcycles being stolen and the riders hacked to death are rampant in Mumias town and Matungu sub-county.