Deputy President William Ruto Photo:Courtesy

Deputy President William Ruto on Thursday led leaders in campaigning for the Jubilee Party in West Pokot County ahead of the October 17 elections.

 Mr Ruto told Kanu and Jubilee leaders in the area to put aside their political differences and take a common stand in campaigning for the reelection of President Uhuru Kenyatta.

 Addressing a public rally in Chepareria grounds, the Deputy President said 35 percent of residents voted for the Opposition in August 8 because of differences between Jubilee and Kanu leaders and yet they belong to the same political outfit.

 “As I thank the 65 percent of voters who supported President Kenyatta during the August 8 elections in this County, we must work together to ensure the 35 percent of voters who supported Nasa because of differences among our leaders join us in reelecting President Kenyatta in October 17,” said Mr Ruto.

 Senate Majority Leader Kipchumba Murkomen, Majority Whip National Assembly Benjamin Washiali, Governor John Lonyangapuo, MPs David Pkosing (Pokot South), Samuel Moroto (Kapenguria), Samuel Poghisio (West Pokot), Mark Lomunokol (Kacheliba), Peter Lochak (Sigor) and former MP Asman Kamama.

 Mr Lonyangapuo assured Jubilee that all the votes that went to NASA during the August elections will support the reelection of President Kenyatta in October 17.

 “I want to assure the Deputy President that our people who voted for the Opposition in August 8 because of our differences will this time round vote for President Uhuru Kenyatta during the October 17 elections,” said Mr Lonyangapuo.

 He said leaders in the area have learnt from their August mistakes and have resolved to work together to ensure reelection of President Kenyatta.

 “As leaders we have learnt from our past mistakes and we have resolved to put aside our differences and launch serious campaigns to ensure we get 100 percent of votes in this County for President Kenyatta,” said Mr Lonyangapuo.

 The Deputy President who had earlier joined President Kenyatta in a rally held in Kimilili in Bungoma County, urged voters in the area to turn out in large numbers to show the world that President Kenyatta indeed won during the August 8 General Election that has since been overturned by the Supreme Court.

 “I ask voters in this County to turn out in large numbers come October 17 so that we shame those who are claiming that President Uhuru Kenyatta did not win,” said the Deputy President.

 He added: “We want to show the Opposition that it’s not the courts which elect leaders but it is the people of Kenya who do so.”

 Mr Murkomen told the chairman of IEBC Wafula Chebukati to stop sideshows and ensure that the country holds credible presidential elections in October 17

 “We want to tell Mr Chebukati that we are not bothered with Memos which are written at night. What we want him to do is to ensure elections are held in October 17 and well managed by the IEBC. We don’t want to entertain any team but need well managed elections,” said Mr Murkomen.

He said Jubilee was robbed of its presidential victory and Kenyans will prove the four judges wrong when the repeat elections are held in October 17.

 Mr Washiali said President Kenyatta would get more support from the people of western compared to the August elections.

 Mr Moroto said leaders in West Pokot County would mobilize voters to turn out in large numbers and support Jubilee Party, saying he was optimistic that the area will vote for President Kenyatta 100 percent.