Bungoma senator Moses Wetang’ula (right) Kanduyi MP Wafula Wamunyinyi (centre) and Wycliffe Wangamati –governorship candidate on campaign trail in Kimilili. Wetang’ula has claimed the Sh300 million meant for paying Nzoia Sugarcane farmers has been diverted to fund jubilee campaigns…Photo/Nathan Ochunge/Standard

NASA co-principal Moses Wetang'ula has claimed that the Sh.300 million which President Uhuru Kenyatta directed the Ministry of Agriculture to pay sugarcane farmers contracted to Nzoia Sugar Company has been diverted to fund Jubilee campaigns.

Wetang'ula said he has information that the money, which was to be given to Nzoia about two months ago, was being dished out to voters in a bid to vote in favour of Jubilee in the August polls.

He told the farmers not expect their payments soon but ensure they vote for NASA presidential candidate Raila Odinga.

He promised that NASA government will ensure farmers have been paid all their outstanding dues.

Wetang'ula was speaking on Tuesday while traversing the county while wooing the voters to re-elect him and Ford Kenya governorship hopeful Wycliffe Wangamati.

He said once in power, said they will ensure cane farmers across the country are paid on time.

Nzoia's communications director Gilbert Awino confirmed that the company was yet to receive the money.

"The CS for Agriculture Willy Bett will be here tomorrow (Wednesday) and he might address the matter," he said.

The Ford Kenya leader also opposed plans opposed plans by the government to spend Sh. 500million on irrigation of sugarcane at Sang'alo area in Kanduyi constituency.

He said the money should instead be used to clear farmers' arrears.

The sugarcane irrigation project was launched recently by Water and Irrigation CS Eugene Wamalwa together with Egyptian Minister of Water and Irrigation, Dr. Mohammed Abde Ati, at Sang'alo Institute of Science and Technology, Bungoma County on 100 acres of land.

The Sh500 million was given to Kenya as a grant by the Egyptian government

''Bungoma is a rain secure county and this is a scheme by Jubilee to raise campaign money in the name of bringing projects to the county. Where were they for the four years they have been in power?" Wetang'ula said.

Wetang'ula added that with proper management Nzoia sugar factory, sugarcane woes should be a thing of the past given the fact that the sugar miller has 40,000 acres.

On the other hand, Bungoma governorship candidate Wycliffe Wangamati said once they take over power in the August polls, they will carry out a head count of all workers at the sugar miller in a bid to get rid of ghost workers.

Wangamati said the company will only realise profits if they cut on costs.

The factory closed down early this month due to lack of the raw material which the management attributed to the drought witnessed between December last year and March this year.

Acting Managing Director Mike Kulundu said they expected to use the two months of closure to service the aging machines sbefore they resume milling at the end of August.

Chairman of the company's board of directors Joash Wamangoli said said politicians should keep off the management of the company arguing that sugarcane shortage is being experienced everywhere in the country.

He dismissed allegations that the factory had been shut due to mismanagement.

''Politicians have been using the problems affecting the company to promise the voters heaven to achieve political mileage and as management, we will not succumb to their political gimmicks," he said.