The covenant is an amazing journey as we relate with the living God. Abraham was called from a far country so that God could re-align him with the divine plan He had not only for him, but for the entire world. This would happen through his seed Isaac. This seed we find later is none other than Christ.

When Jesus came, He revealed this grand plan of God’s covenant with us and He went ahead and sealed it through His shed blood. In Christ all the benefits of the covenant are now yours. That is the good news of the Kingdom.

The covenant then:

1. Re-aligns us to faith - Heb. 11:17-19. 2. Re-aligns us to courage - Dan 6:10. 3. Re-aligns us to God’s divine will - Phil 2:5-11.

When we connect to this covenant, an awesome journey of divine purposes is released in our lives. We are individually aligned. Our families are aligned. Our destinies are aligned. Our children are aligned. Our nation is aligned.

Abraham walked with God and entered into divine inheritance. This is also your portion today.

Arise and shine.