Water Service Trust Fund Chairman Musikari Kombo addressing Press at his rural home in Webuye on May 1, 2016. Photo by BENJAMIN SAKWA

Former Local Government minister Musikari Kombo has accused Opposition leaders Moses Wetang'ula and Musalia Mudavadi of disappointing residents of Western region.

Mr Kombo said the two betrayed the community by shelving their presidential ambitions to support Orange party leader Raila Odinga.

He said in the run up to the 2013 elections, the leaders asked Water Cabinet Secretary Eugene Wamalwa, to shelve his ambition and instead support Mr Mudavadi who was later defeated.

"We were excited when the two leaders announced their bids which meant that the community would be closer to power, and we knew we would have been supported but we now see this as a betrayal since they gave us false hope," Kombo said in Webuye on Monday.

He said Mr Wetang'ula had given the community false hope by launching his bid only to beat a retreat to defend his Senate seat.

The chairman of the Board of Trustees of Water Services Trust Fund, said President Uhuru Kenyatta and his deputy William Ruto had done a lot for the region.