Devina Menwa (left) and Martha Afandi are escorted from Nakuru Law Court after being arraigned for trafficking a child from Rhonda Estate in Nakuru. PHOTO: MOSES KIPSANG/STANDARD

Two elderly women were Tuesday arraigned in court and charged with an offense of trafficking in person.

The two Devinah Menwa and Martha Afandi are accused of transporting three children aged eight and six on February 4, 2017 at Rhonda estate in Nakuru intentionally and unlawfully to Vihiga County for the purpose of exploitation.

Menwa and Afandi is alleged committed the offense jointly with another person who was not before court.

The duo was arrested at Vihiga on March 27, 2017 while with the three children locked in a house.
They could however not take plea as the prosecution applied for more time to complete investigation.
Principal magistrate Joe Omido allowed the application by prosecution and granted them five days to complete investigation.

The court ordered the two accused persons to be remanded at Nakuru Central Police Station until April 3, 2017 when they will be arraigned in court for plea taking.

"The accused be remanded at central Police station to April 4 when they will be brought back for plea taking" stated Omido.