More Polish tourists are expected to visit the Kenyan coast thanks to enhanced marketing.

The Kenya Tourism Board (KTB) yesterday noted the country had received 9,000 tourists from Poland and that more are expected this year.

KTB assistant regional manager Joseph Mbela, who spoke during dinner hosted for 25 visiting Polish travel agents at Baobab Beach Resort & Spa in Diani on Tuesday night, said there is a growing interest among Polish travellers in the Kenyan coast.

"The Kenyan coast provides both beach and safari experience that is fast attracting eager Polish travellers," said Mbela, who is in charge of German and Polish tourism cluster.

He said a weekly flight operated by a travel agency, Tui Poland, made it possible for the tourists to visit the country last year. The chartered flight from Warsaw touches down in  Mombasa every Saturday.

"Due to increased demand, the winter flight Tui Poland introduced from November last year to March this year has been extended to May and will now involve a larger Boeing 767 aircraft with a capacity of up to 300 passengers," Mbela said.

Baobab Beach Resort & Spa General Manager Sylvester Mbandi described Polish tourists as 'very good spenders'.

"The emerging Polish market is very promising. The Polish economy is robust because of industries and the export market which makes Polish tourists have ready money at their disposal," Mbandi said.

He added: "Polish tourists have been known to love destinations in the Caribbean and the Far East. However, that has changed in Kenya's favour."

"Our geographical location is ideal as it is between seven and eight hours from Warsaw. Apart from beaches, the tourists also love the Tsavo East and Tsavo West National Parks which have become a must visit for them."

Sarova Taita Hills Lodge General Manager Willie Mwadilo who was in attendance said travel agents will be exposed to latest attractions during their stay at the Coast.