Nominated MP Sarah Lekorere (seated) receives blessings from her clan elder', Mzee Kasao Ole Moiyare during an event to clear her to run for Laikipia North parliamentary seat. Lekorere became the first woman to be cleared to run for Laikipia North seat by elders, contrary to the expectations of her critics that a woman cannot lead in the pastoralist community. Photo by JOB WERU/Standard.

Nominated MP Sarah Lekorere has been cleared by her clan to run for the Laikipia North parliamentary seat.

This makes her the first woman among the Maasai in Laikipia to get the go-ahead to vie against men. Ms Lekorere was blessed by clan elders in a traditional ceremony, defying her opponents' view that the Laikipia North community cannot elect a woman let alone 'clear' one to vie.

 For the last few months, Lekorere has concentrated her efforts among the elders and the community, seeking their support.

 "We have given her permission to seek a leadership position and wish her the best," said Kasao ole Moiyare. Her strongest opponent is incumbent Mathew Lempurkel, an elder.