Players in the multi-billion-shilling tourism industry in Mombasa have every reason to smile: they are set to get a tourism board solely for the county.

The move has received the backing of Governor Ali Hassan Joho, who, speaking at a round-table meeting with key sector players, committed to push an executive bill through the Mombasa County Assembly to form the board.

The news was positively received, with Kenya Coast Tourist Association (KCTA) Chairman Mohamed Hersi terming the formation of the board timely.

“It has taken time to form [the board] due to, among other reasons, key legislative requirements. But today, Governor Joho has given credence to the board’s formation with his firm support for the venture,” Kenya Association of Hotelkeepers and Caterers Coast Branch Executive Officer Sam Ikwaye said.

He added that the board would not replicate the country’s top tourism marketer, Kenya Tourism Board, but would instead work with it to “address regional concerns to achieve local benefits”.