The recent swearing-in of the panel to pick new commissioners of the Independent Electoral and Boundaries Commission set the ball rolling.

The task ahead for the team led by Ms Bernadette Musundi is gargantuan and everything necessary must be done to ensure the team that is finally settled upon, having gone through a competitive vetting process, meets the great expectations of many Kenyans.

Previous electoral teams fell short of this expectations and in 2007, the country was plunged into chaos when, after the opposition disputed election results, the electoral agency at the time failed to offer direction. The country has travelled a long and torturous route in search of an electoral body that will be acceptable to both sides of the political divide.

The credibility of current commissioners was called into question, resulting in the calls for their removal by the opposition, civil society and the church.

An intransigent Government made the stand-off acrimonious. In the end, the Opposition organised the ‘every Monday siege’ at the Anniversary Towers where IEBC offices are housed in which lives and property were destroyed.

New awareness among the citizenry means deeper concern in the process by interested parties. Balancing between political parties, religious groups, special need groups and gender will be a delicate affair calling for dexterity.

Ultimately though, Kenyans will be looking out for individuals with demonstrated impartiality, the ability to rise up to challenges as and when they occur and a proven track record in public management.

There is little time left between now and August 2017 when elections are due. A speedy selection process would ensure the new commissioners are in place to fully prepare for them. Hurried procurement of electoral material that was clearly not above board in 2013 saw the electronic system fail at the most critical time. It is necessary to guard against a repeat.