When the Pangani Six were taken prisoner

And bundled through the door of Cell 4

Senator Muthama was appointed team leader
Tasked with getting a three K cell-phone from the 20K
He had hidden either in his sombrero or underwear

Meanwhile Moses Kuria, chief barker of the muthamaki
Chief hitter of monsieur Msema Vitenda Wili (mostly about ‘tumbwili’)
Was made deputy to Muthama but all he could think about was how to
Become a mla samaki, once out of Pangani


Mohammet Junet, (whose wife said the light had gone out of the moon
When the loons took her hubby to prison, in the middle of June)
Wanted to go on hunger strike, but then remembered twas Ramadan


Ferdinand Waititu who understands instant justice, Pangani style
regaled others with University of Punjab fiction
And real life stories (How to Knock Out Governor Kabogo with One Jab)


Timothy Bosire couldn’t stand the prison porridge
He said it played ‘katitu’ with his stomach
Which is why, after meals, he would duck like a rocket
To go and continue his affair with the Cell 4 corner bucket

And what of Bahati MP, Kimani Ngunjiri?
He was the mute eater of every prison meal
The silent smeller of Masaba’s Mafi-a’s bowel movement
And the obstinate observer of every Cell 4 mosquito.

- By Tony Mochama