HOMA BAY: One passenger died Saturday as thirteen others sustained serious injuries in an accident which occurred in Homa Bay County.

The thirty-year-old passenger lost his life when a matatu he was travelling in lost control and rolled several times near Kalamindi trading in Ndhiwa Sub-County along Sori-Rodi Kopany road.

His body was taken to St Camillus hospital mortuary, Sori Township in the neighbouring Migori County.

Homa Bay County Police Commander said the accident took place after the matatu that was travelling from Sori to Homa Bay town suffered tyre burst.

"The vehicle was transporting passengers from Sori to Homa Bay town but one of its tires suddenly burst before it rolled several times and landed into a sugarcane plantation," said Omusanga.

The accident which occurred at 7.30, left thirteen people including the matatu driver seriously injured.

Survivors were rushed to Homa Bay county referral hospital in critical conditions for medical care.

"Some of them were first taken to Ndhiwa Sub county hospital but their conditions needed more attention and were transferred to the county referral hospital," said Omusanga.

The police boss urged motorists to always ensure their vehicles are in good conditions before starting their operations.