Corruption fights back. Corruption is undertaken through a vast syndicate of clever, wealthy and powerful characters in all sectors of the economy.

The axe fell on Thursday and decapitated quite a few famous and well-groomed heads. These heads are rolling all over the ground, getting mucked up with gore and dirt, and talking incessantly.

They are saying things. Wondrous things.

It calls to mind the deliriously fantastic and absurd mileu depicted by Robert Graves in his narrative poem 'A Welsh Incident'

I have generally found difficulty with trusting people who wouldn't make firm, simple declarations of innocence and willingness to undergo due process.

These people are breathtakingly agile in dodging the meat of accusation against them, and equally forceful in deflecting, evading, lying and creating a stinking hue and cry when fingered.

Their modus operandi is fantastic in its sophistication. They will obsess over form at the expense of substance.

They will enlarge without end on procedural and technical niceties, discrediting mandates and finding fault with any process which renders them at a disadvantage.

So, the disembodied heads of the chiefs of Corruption Inc. are in the throes of an orgiastic 'vipengele' jamboree.

They are waxing brilliant about Articles of the Constitution, the president's 'jurisdiction' and the rule of law as though they are abject victims, instead of perpetrators of reprehensible atrocity.

All of a sudden they brim with learned virtuosity on such forensic niceties as the procedure of tabling reports before Parliament.

But they say nothing about the allegations of corruption and abuse per se. My issue is; if you are innocent, why panic and blather with such confounding vigour?

My other issue (these things are never simple) is that if all of Kenya and its Government is this wonderland of gentle lambs and innocent babes, who stole all those billions?

Did it simply vanish, snatched away by 'Sijui'? Did documents prepare and execute themselves?

Did cheques, approvals and payment vouchers sign themselves? Did LPOs and whatnot, evaluations and awards fall from the sky, complete as faits accompli in time to initiate the payment sequences

Did millions wire themselves, perhaps feeling cramped from confinement in our Developing Country Treasury, for a spot of fresh air in Europe and other nice places?

Were the houses in the leafies - not so easily affordable without a punishing mortgage –inheritances, legacies, bequests and gifts from fictive relations and beneficiaries?

Is it a coincidence that you grew fatter and wealthier as hospitals missed medicines, pensions were delayed, projects stalled machinery grounded for lack of money, despite adequate budgetary allocation?

Are we a nation of fools, incapable of rudimentary inquiry, and harbouring a few simple questions relating to what you know?

Did you see nothing, did nothing, heard nothing, said nothing and felt nothing when, under your nose, billions started to escape from government accounts?

This is where we are headed. But the heads want us to hold a preliminary hearing and canvass points of law on technicality and procedure. As Sijui and Co enjoy our resources.

We want answers, not just words. Keep it simple. Otherwise, we will be in the courts until the cows come home. And the only winners will be the lawyers.

Keep it simple.