A man has sued his wife over millions of shillings missing from their joint bank account.

Charles Olenja, who worked with the UN for 22 years, moved to the High Court after discovering that the Sh8 million he received as his pension upon retiring in 2002 was missing.

Through his lawyer Betty Mwenesi, Mr Olenja accused his wife of misusing the money that had been deposited by the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) in their joint account at the Commercial Bank of Africa.

He claimed he has been left at the mercy of friends, family and well-wishers as he now has to beg from them.

Olenja said he has been subjected to psychological torture and degrading treatment, adding that his right to human dignity has been violated.

Olenja, who was before High Court judge Isaac Lenaola, stated that he was accustomed to a good lifestyle which was taken away from him after his employer wrongfully terminated his services in 2002, having worked for UNDP since 1980.

He now wants the court to order his wife to table a complete account of any money she has earned from the pension fund she is said to have withdrawn from their joint account.

He told the court that due to his current situation, he suffers from ill health. He urged the court to certify the matter as urgent.

Olenja said his estranged wife withdrew the Sh8 million five days after it was deposited into the account.

He told the court that the money he received during his time in employment was kept in two joint accounts as his wife who works with the School of Community Health, University of Nairobi and Kenyatta National Hospital had access to his other funds for their daily needs.

Divorce case

He argued that the pension money is his personal property as it was the cash he received upon retirement.

“My employment was illegally terminated and I sued the organisation, where I was awarded Sh6.1 million. I then received my pension, all of which was deposited in our joint account,” the retiree told the court.

He notified the court that they have a pending divorce case and further added that they both accounted for the expenditure of the joint accounts.

Lenaola asked him to serve the parties and come back for hearing on April 9.