The end of the year is always a big deal to all if not most people. It reminds us that it is time to move on, to close a chapter, to shut a door and walk into another.

Time to restock and recharge and re energise for yet another leg in life’s journey.

Even when you want to ignore the New Year, the shouts and celebrations from others at the grand turn of the clock will remind you that it is that time yet again.

Sadly, this may not mean much to you when you find that you are ensnared by the misfortunes that life now and then presents.

At any given point in life, each one of us is always presented with a different picture.

Some pictures are similar in size and appearance but never the same. That is why the New Year will find some of us sad, others happy, and others reflective and so on.

Some of us have had life-changing experiences in the past 11 months.

Some of us have been ill while some of us lost their jobs.

There are those that were declared bankrupt and those who lost their loved ones.

Some of us have issues that may take eons to solve and thus grace and patience are necessary.

Some matters can often be overwhelming, and it is no wonder the clock will turn as you trudge on in a daze, hurt by the very life you have enjoyed in the past. Since giving up is no choice for anyone, optimism is a word you may want to embrace to its fullness.

Believe that the best is yet to come and that 2015 is going to be your best year ever.

Tell yourself that every day, in every way, you will become better in the New Year.

Trust that life will offer you good tidings.

Indeed, it is many times that life happens in a flash.

You realise that your search for a job has ended when you find yourself staring at three letters of employment; then your headache becomes what option you will take.

Whichever place you are at in life, bear in mind that whatever will be will be (within your sphere).

Like a close friend keeps saying, it shall be well because nothing lasts forever.

That dark season will pass, probably without your knowledge and you will find yourself smelling the roses once more.

It seems the years have been rolling around rather faster than before.

Since I noticed this, I like to see a New Year as the time to put in a fresh teabag in my mug of life and continue sipping on more rejuvenating tea.

Happy New Year even as you makes changes in the momentum that is your life.

It is time to use a new teabag.