Deputy President William Ruto has led Jubilee top brass in condemning the Coalition for Reforms and Democracy (CORD) style of leadership following Thursday’s chaos in the National Assembly.

Speaking during the annual Kimalel goat auction and cultural festival in Baringo County, Ruto described the recently enacted security law as a solution in the fight against terrorism.

He said MPs from the Opposition, whom he blamed for the violence, brought shame to the country. A visibly angry Ruto said opposition legislators and their leaders must learn from past mistakes, adding that parliamentary debate is about ideas and civility.

“Some political leaders and the parties they control run their affairs through violence. This is a fact already in the public domain but the time has come for them to understand that violence is no longer an option in this country,” said Ruto.

He said what was witnessed in Migori, Homa Bay and Kasarani was exported to Parliament by the opposition wing saying such acts had no place in the 21 century.

However, he welcomed CORD’s decision to take their battle to court, saying nothing was conducted in contravention of the Constitution during the drafting of the security laws.

“Terrorists and their sympathisers must be stopped and their networks destroyed. This is why the Government is tightening legislation on security,” he said.

National Assembly Majority Leader Aden Duale said the controversial clauses that the public did not want were removed in consultation with the Commission on Implementation of the Constitution.

The Garissa Town MP alleged that those who opposed the amendments did not believe in the rule of law and should be ignored.

“They started in Kasarani, then a presidential function in Migori, and Senator Otieno Kajwang’s burial. They also fought recently during their nomination to replace Kajwang, but bringing chaos to the floor of the House will not be entertained,” said Duale.


“Senators must act true to their positions. MPs who misbehave must be dealt with.”

Duale assured the country that those who discredited Parliament would be investigated and punished as per the House rules.

Elgeyo Marakwet Senator Kipchumba Murkomen said the country must be redeemed from the “men in black mentality”.

“It was a shame to witness senior politicians like senators James Orengo, Bonni Khalwale and Johnstone Muthama desecrate the National Assembly,” he said.